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DAY 4 - New features, Clean and Game Idea
The goal of today was to add last vital features in the tool to allow more pushed game design.
I started by adding small features like the delay option on each effect or the teleportation (in purcentage to aim or fixed value).
Then i thought that i didn't needed all of the base project features. I removed the 3 types of damage and armor (phyisical, magical and brute) to have only have a flat purcentage of damage reduction on the players. (Base 10%).
I allowed to cast multiple magic instance without a specific target. I also added a "angle" variable to allow multi direction.
BIG NERF : Notice that the magic instance power is split between each single wall.
Now we can create some real chaos !
The last features i needed was the "RotateAround" and "Parenting" on magic instance. After some reworks i can now have this :
I ended doing some feedback to see magic instance homing target and spell selection ranges.
With time, the tool started to stack a lot of parameters so i decided to seperate thoses in three :
   - The Spell : The cost, cast time, cooldown time, target choices. Stores the effects.
   - The effects : The effects applied on hit. Can store magic instance.
   - The magic instances : An hitbox with a behavior.
Thoses are stocked in the same place as before but in three files. It also allows to use the same magic instance on different effect.
Heres how they are showed in the unity tool :
Now that i had a big part of what i needed in the tool, I needed to think about the game system and how I will display the tool to player. I brainstormed with two friend of mine that follow the project.
The game direction i choosed is a PvP game in 1v1. I think that, quick games and rapid iterations to enhance and adapt your build is a very good way of exploring a tons of possiblilities. Rogue lite or playing against a maching learning IA would be an option as well but it would require a TON of supplementary work that would prevent me from polishing the tool at maximum power.
When against an opponent, you will start by a pick and ban of spell to create a build while countering your enemy's. 
League of Legend by Riot Games. Pick and Ban System
I will need to adapt the draft after some playtests but i think you will have to pre-select 1 or 2 spells and then pick the last spells in the draft (probably 2 or 3 more) to complete your build.
Then, players will start a match with multiple round on different random arenas to stimulate the player adapatation to his environment. I may add a second draft between two rounds to change one spell to prevent complete counter or matchloosing mistake in the build.
At the end of the match, player would maybe be able to download their opponents spells to test them.
Right now there is two main issues :
   - It is really hard to understand multiple complexe spells and to counter them in the small amount of time that we have in a draft.
   - I need to playtest fast and networking won't be possible in a short time.
For the first issue, I had the idea of doing presets of spell. Thoses would be easily recognisable and each player would only be allow to slightly modify them.
The spell edit system would be something similar to dead by daylight's bloodweb.
Here you would have to chose between three main branch. Each of them add +25 of a main stat. You can choose multiple perk in the same main branch to enhance the global quality of the perk.
I think i might add other neutral perk to reduce cooldown, apply buff and others. To the opponent, the spell will be displayed like this :
I will probably add an option to see more detail about the spell but with this, the player can already have an idea of the spell effects.
For the second issue (playtest without network), I will first code a local mod and simplify the inputs so the game can be played on a controller. Since it is 1v1, except for some specific skill shot, I don't need a mouse to target the opponent. With simple enough controls, we can almost hope for a mobile version. Diablo Immortal already did something similar and will be a good reference.
Diablo Immortal, by Blizzard Entertainment.
I already did 4 basic spell to test pvp, i only need to adapt the game to controllers.
Now that I have all that, I can't wait to create the game !
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