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DAY 2 - Bars and Pushed Design
On this second day, i added collision, life and mana bars. The spells can damage, heal and apply buff/debuff on target.
You may have noticed numbers on the spells. Thoses are the projectile stats !
There is 3 : Damage, Heal and HP.
If damage faces HP, both go down. The first one to go below zero dies.
If heal faces something, it will give it hp.
A projectile dies when one of his number goes to zero. But it can't die from "no hp" if it never had some before.
I made this make more complexes fight with only basic stats. It forces the player to have various stats. Someone who goes only for damage can be easily counter by a balanced build.
You can see that there is a sort of Rock Paper Scissors game if you mix all stats. But taking the three possibilities is also an error. Neither of the three can go through double defense or a simple defense that has been double healed.
Now that this is setup, i will be able to focus on player mobility and spells combos.
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