Sacha Yerle
Game designer
About me
See my last project : SPELL MAKER !
Who am i ?
I am Sacha Yerle, I love Game Design, especially i have the occasion to script ! I studied Game Design in Toulouse for three years at ETPA. I have always wanted to make video games since i was like twelve. So when i learnt that Game Design scholl existed, I was so excited to finally enter into this world. I discovered the complexity of this media and the different careers that existed and I am looking forward to live more experiences in multiple productions !
It is a 14 days prototype 1v1 arena battle where you can modify your spell behavior. Go check it : SpellMaker Day 1
My student experience !
I learnt a lot the past three years, and not only in Game Design. I had the chance to experiment in other fields like Level Designer, 2D and 3D artist/animator and found myself a passion about a thing i never thought i would like : Programming. It is simple, at each student project or game jam i did, i was always, one point or another, coding mechanics or improving the game feel. So i naturally developed a preference for the job :
"Tech Game Designer", to be able to demonstrate and polish the core gameplay of a game by myself and create many tools to enhance creativity.
Test, TEST ! And improve game feel
What i think is the two most important things in the creation of a video game are :
- The capability of the team to focus on the main mechanics to get the First Playable Prototype as soon as possible and from that point -> TEST EVERYTHING ! Playtest is the most efficient tool to know if you game works.
- The game feel. It requires quite some work but it improves the game quality so much. Designing it is probably my favourite moment in the whole production of a game. The player must feel at every moment that his actions are meaningfull, so the game must give a massive amount of feedback to enhance to experience !

Unity, Game engine, (C#)

Shiva, Game Engine (Lua)

Photoshop & Illustrator, For graphics production

Unreal, Game engine

Substance Designer & Painter, For real-time materials

3DS Max, Modeling, Rigging, Skining, Animation

My favourite projects
------------------------------ 2018 - Recalled

Recalled was my first big project. First year of game design in solo.
It is a Metroidvania, stealth/shooter platformer. It was a very ambitious project at the time and i learned a lot about having priorities in production.
The story takes place in a sci-fi universe and the player must free hostages in a police station full of androids.
------------------------------ 2018 - You may live

You may live was my second game jam. In a group of 3, the theme was "lack of space" and we decided to do a game about managing entries in a hospital, during a war.
I like this project because I had the chance to have it played by streamers and youtubers and it was a great experience. I learnt some constraints linked to narrative games and morality in the design.
------------------------------ 2018 -> 2019 - Florescence

Florescence is my second big project and my prefered ! It was my mi-semester project in second year with a group of three. The concept is that your character move on his own and you have to control the environement reach the next checkpoint. What i like about this project, is that we removed anything that wasn't necessary to focus on the core of the game.
------------------------------ 2019 - Radius Champions

Radius is the last game of second year, in a group of 5. The aim was to adapt an existing student game to mobile devices. This was a difficult production, we had a lot of changes in the core gameplay but it allowed me to understand the mobile constraints. I could also experiment deep analysis of a existing game. I loved programing the camera in this project.
------------------------------ 2019 -> 2020 - Death Live

Death Live is the last game i did as a student. It is a rail shooter on arcade where the player uses gravity as a weapon. I did my best to invest all my knowledge acquired for the past 2 years and a half. And I am very satisfied with the game. I was in charge of the programming an enemy, the reload and shoot mechanics and all the UI and sound. I also did a lot of level design tools to enhance the workflow.
My favourite games

Dishonored, Created by Arkane Studio
I simply love how they managed to mix two ways of playing so smoothly in the level design. And i was even more suprised by the risks they took in some levels in the second opus like in "The clockwork Mansion" where everything moves and dismantle in a very esthetic way.

Darkest Dungeon, Created by Red Hook Studio
What i like about the design of darkest dungeon is how each character works with any other. There is a lot of team possible and every player tries to found the best combos.